Anglophone Cameroon: 7 reasons Why Teachers Are On strike

1. Our children who pass the GCE with quality grades cannot enter professional schools of their choice, while those who perform poorly fill all the spaces.
2. Francophones outnumber Anglophones in the professional schools in Anglophone Universities of Buea and Bamenda by a ratio of up to 90:10% in HTTTC Kumba, 90:10% in Medical School in Buea, 80:20% in HTTTC Bamenda whereas there are no Anglophones in these schools in Francophone Universities

.3. Anglophones who apply to read medicine are usually sent to Francophone universities, where operating becomes a serious challenge, and since they cannot cope, they give up.
4. As a result of this policy of discrimination and marginalization, government does not train Anglophone technical teachers, and even the few Anglophones who are trained are sent to work in Francophone areas.
5. Government continues to send Francophones who do not master English to teach in Anglophone schools. The teachers teach in broken English, thereby confusing the students. As a result, many do not perform well in their final examinations.
6. The Universities of Buea and Bamenda have been francophonized and admissions into key faculties have been taken to Yaounde so that admission lists can be doctored.
7. Our children are compelled to write CAP, Probatoire and Baccalaureate in technical schools, with a tradition of poorly translated questions and massive failures on their part. Qualifications into professional schools and the universities, what a mockery to our
