security forces clash with angry youths in Bamenda.

security forces clash with angry  youths in Bamenda.

Clashes have erupted between security forces and angry youths mostly motor bike riders in Bamenda,headquarters of the north west region of cameroon.Angry youths took to the street Monday December  5th 2016 protesting constant provocation and intimidation from the the police.Bamenda had long been militarized following a coffin strike action staged a forth night ago by one Mancho
Bibixy.Since then,never had a day pass by without sporadic clashes.The security forces have been accused of using the local population as testing ground for tear gas,water canon,and their armory.The angry youths used dumped vehicles to block hospital round about and the azire stretch of the trans=African road,throwing stones at the armed men in uniform

The forces of law and order used tear gas,gunshots and water canons to arrest the situation.Fierce standoff with the police left the water canon helpless as it went short of water.Further clashes left scores of people arrested.

The town of Bamenda has not  seen normalcy since the sit down strike initiated by teachers and lawyers of anglophone extraction against the the marginalization of anglophones in cameroon.The anglophones constitute the north west and south west regions of the majority french speaking cameroun.The now two English speaking regions of cameroon was a country on its own before being coerced to join cameroun in an unfair plebiscite in 1961 by the UNO.The territory inhabited by over 6million people was known as British Southern cameroons under the UN Truteeship of Great Britain.

The local population had long join in the strike as they seem to be victims of the marginalistion.Businesses have been grounded,  streets deserted,schools shut down,court sessions paralysed.

A majority are demanding for a return to the defunct two state federation or total independence of former British  southern cameroons as a solution to what has been described as anglophone problem.
