TSI CONRAD: THE SUFFERING OF THE INNOCENT.                                                                                                   On the 8th of December 2016 (Red Thursday) Tsi Conrad aka Darnoc Ist, Founder and CEO of Ruphina’s House, film maker, talent promoter, Showbiz event planner, movie writer, movie director, movie editor and actor was arrested (although we rightly should say abducted) by the forces of law and order in Bamenda during the strike action against the proposed march by the CPDM headed by the Secretary General of the CPDM, the Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers.
On that fateful Thursday, tempers boiled and violence flared because the population considered the march a provocation. Tsi Conrad, the ever conscious videographer and movie historian was on hand to record the happenings. When his Camera ran low on battery, he put it on Charge at the Cejay Productions office, Commercial Avenue and proceeded to observe and record the strike with a phone.  It was at this point at about 2.15 PM that the Police and Gendarme targeted him and in a commando-like action he was arrested, handcuffed, brutally beaten and placed in a blue –black Police Hilux 4x4 and spirited away via the route from Santa Park to Old Town where they initially made a stop at the Central Police station, then headed for the Judicial Police Station and because both police stations were unwilling to keep those arrested, they proceeded to Gendarmerie Legion at up-station where Conrad passed the night under heavy interrogation and torture to find out his actions, affiliations and so called co- conspirators.
On the morning of Friday 9th of December at 6.00AM, Sule, Conrad’s kid brother was at the Legion in Station to find out about his brother, only to be bullied, intimidated and harassed. He was forced to leave without any concrete knowledge about his brother’s welfare. Unknowingly to him, that same morning Conrad was transported to the Bafut airport where 70 boys abducted from Bamenda were loaded on a plane carried to Yaoundé.  Reverend Petelsie Kongni, Conrad’s partner and COO of Cejay Production went to the Central Police Station, the Judicial Police station and finally the Gendarmerie Legion where he was brutally body searched and told in very menacing terms that he would be locked up if he continued asking questions.
All the above facts have been variously attested to and verified by eyewitnesses and so we are sure that Tsi Conrad is with the Cameroon forces of law and order. We also know that it is illegal to detain a person without charge, warrant and declaration of location of incarceration. We call on the political and administrative authorities to immediately release Tsi Conrad.
The allegation by the forces of law and order is that Tsi Conrad was filmed on various occasion from an helicopter as part of the stike crowd and they claim he is a ring leader of the SCNC rebellion, but this could not be further from the truth. Tsi Conrad is a dedicated videographer and video historian who decided to record the happenings during this period of strike. Some of the dramatic images released on social media have their origin from this icon of videography. This is the real crime of Tsi Conrad, that he chose to film and share the images of the strike.  We state without fear of contradiction that Tsi Conrad is not a vandal, anarchist or violent person but a man who believes that the force of argument is better than the argument of force. We refute the claim by the government that he is an SCNC activist and say on every occasion except on the day he was caught, Tsi Conrad always had a camera on him. This camera was not on him on the day of arrest because he needed to recharge his battery and chose to use a smart phone instead. It is therefore a trumped up charge that Conrad is a violent activist and a strike ring leader.
Tsi Conrad is a compassionate, dedicated person. In the last five years Conrad has trained over two hundred actors, actresses and showbiz persons and he is one of the foremost Showbiz event organizers in the North West Region. A social activist using movies to fight child abuse, unemployment, discrimination and other social ills, Tsi Conrad has impacted the lives of many youths and is a great addition to our nation and region.
We therefore shout out “BRING TSI CONRAD BACK”
